Monday 28 April 2008

The Meeting!

I have been on pins all morning, as we are meeting with LA Team Leader and our Social Worker after lunch. This is the first meeting to discuss our plans to change our application to adopt to Ethiopia, rather than China. I am so nervous! Luckily (ha!!!) the downstairs toilet is blocked, so that has distracted me!! Especially the bit where I splashed the boiling water I was pouring down the loo on my foot!!! I've got a list of the Ethiopian dossier requirements (one each for me, sw and Team Leader) ready to take to the meeting. Me and Mr Messy have discussed that we would like to apply for a female child with special needs, under the age of 2 years. Which is pretty similar to the 'profile' of child we applied to adopt from China, so hopefully we won't have to do too much faffing about with our homestudy update and can get our papers off to DCSF pretty quickly. I'm trying my very best not to count on that though, as our LA are probably the slowest known!!!
UPDATE: Well it was even worse than I could have imagined!! We had our reasons for changing country pulled apart. When told of the estimates for referral of between 5-7 (or more) years, we were told ICA is always unpredictable. We had our reasons for choosing Ethiopia trashed. Team Leader (despite all the info pointing to this not being needed) is still insisting on a full new homestudy and full panel visit, which means we will be lucky to get to panel before Xmas knowing how slowly our LA works. Is it worth it? Should we just pull out completely now? I'm not sure :-( We were totally blindsided by this approach as we were under the impression (after emails and phone calls with Team Leader) that this had all been dealt with!! If we had known that this was the form the meeting would take, then we would have been a LOT more prepared.
UPDATE 2: I pulled myself together, after stuffing copious amounts of chocolate, and got hold of tonnes of evidence that it is quite normal in ICA applications to change countries and doesn't show a lack of commitment, and that Ethiopia is a legal and viable way to go. I will continue to gather this sort of evidence and send it to our LA until they see reason!! I did get a terse acknowledgment of my first (very long!) email that the info contained would be taken into consideration, and Team Leader would get back to us after next week.

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25th May 2009 - See New Child again & Court Date

23rd May 2009 - Fly back to Ethiopia

26th March 2009 - Fly to Ethiopia :-)

3rd March 2009 - Dossier Arrived at Orphanage

26th February 2009 - Dossier sent to Ethiopia

22nd December 2008 - Dossier back at DCSF

28th November 2008 - Certificate of Eligibility ISSUED

6th October 2008 - PASSED Approval Panel

7th July 2008 - Homestudy Update Started

28th Feb 2008 - Told LA we wished to change country


Formally withdrew from the China Adoption Programme 17th July 2008

LID (Logged in Date) with CCAA 16th August 2007

Documents to China 10th August 2007

Passed Approval Panel 5th March 2007

Homestudy started 6th June 2006

First Contact with our LA 1st Jan 2006