Saturday 9 August 2008

Lazy Mornings and Wedding Days!

We had a lazy morning yesterday, just pootling around the Guest House. Mr Messy and Farm Boy went out for their breakfast as usual, and called in the town's Radio Shack electronics store to get the wires and bits they needed for Mr Messy to fix our friend's computer cabling. He was very impressed that the store lent them the tools he would need to make up the new cable - how kind and trusting is that?! Lovely :-) Around lunchtime we started to get ready to go to Farm Boy and Cabbage Queen's nephew's wedding. The girls both looked stunning in their dresses, Mr Messy even had a shave!! Little Prince whinged and whined about having to wear what I told him to - a smartish shirt and shorts, so I let him stay in his regular clothes until we got to the church!! The church was about an hour and a half away, and was a lovely little brown wooden church, very American looking :-) Mr Messy took his poshest cameras and took some lovely pictures, although he did get told off by the official photographer for getting in the way!! Which made him do it all the more!!! It did intimidate Drama Teen though and she didn't take that many more photos. The service was lovely, very intimate and geared to the couple, they even included their children (from previous marriages) in the service, which I thought was a lovely touch. It made it even more special when we found out that this was the 11th or 12th wedding in the church that DAY!!!

After the wedding we drove to a different town to a restaurant near to the Quilt Store me and Cabbage Queen had visited the other day :-) We had a lovely meal and afterwards me and Cabbage Queen visited the next door Scrapbooking store for a look around :-) And no Mr Messy I didn't buy piles of Scrapbooking cr*p to fill the suitcase with!!!

Oh I almost forgot in the morning Mr Messy bought a pair of Walkie Talkies and the girls (in the car with Mr Messy and Farm Boy) were talked and sung to by Little Prince (in the car with me and Cabbage Queen)!! He chatted away and sang excerpts from Joseph to them until the batteries ran out!! Very cute :-)

In the evening Farm Boy's brother and wife, who'd also been at the wedding, came to visit and we spent a few hours on the porch chatting. Brother and Mr Messy talked about cameras and photography and Mr Messy even let him try out his poshest camera!! I wonder if he knows how priviliged he was!?! While us growed ups chatted on the porch, Drama Teen wandered down to the creek and made friends with two of the local kids who were down there. Which as she is generally a very shy and reserved young lady, was very brave of her - I'm proud of you Drama Teen :-)

We got an email from my Best Friend (the Mad Cat Lady lol) to say that her eldest boy passed his driving test yesterday :-) CONGRATULATIONS AND WELL DONE J :-)


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Joseph, next time you can can I come with you??

Baby Sis

Janet said...

Hi again,
I think I know what you are talking about?! Remind me when we get home and I'll email you about when we going seeing it!! See if we can get you a ticket too :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant next time you go!!! I'm in work and was reading it while I was doing a million other things!!

Baby Sis

Janet said...

lol thought that what you meant!! Any more staff in your dept yet?? Sounds like you need them!! Just emailed you.


25th May 2009 - See New Child again & Court Date

23rd May 2009 - Fly back to Ethiopia

26th March 2009 - Fly to Ethiopia :-)

3rd March 2009 - Dossier Arrived at Orphanage

26th February 2009 - Dossier sent to Ethiopia

22nd December 2008 - Dossier back at DCSF

28th November 2008 - Certificate of Eligibility ISSUED

6th October 2008 - PASSED Approval Panel

7th July 2008 - Homestudy Update Started

28th Feb 2008 - Told LA we wished to change country


Formally withdrew from the China Adoption Programme 17th July 2008

LID (Logged in Date) with CCAA 16th August 2007

Documents to China 10th August 2007

Passed Approval Panel 5th March 2007

Homestudy started 6th June 2006

First Contact with our LA 1st Jan 2006