Tuesday, 5 August 2008

We're HERE!!!

We've arrived safe and sound in the US. We are having a peaceful, "chilling" day to get over yesterday's mammoth travelling day. Me and Mr Messy were on the go for almost 24 hours, and by the time we pulled up outside our friend's house, it really felt like it!! We met our friends at a restaurant about 1 1/2 hours away from their house, which did really nice barbeque type food. Little Prince refused to eat anything, and just sat on the chair falling asleep, poor lad! The rest of us really appreciated our first taste of real American food for a long time, though :-) We brought Little Prince's food home in a take out box, so he can have it for lunch today sometime - isn't that American of us lol. Mr Messy and Farm Boy have gone out to find a diner breakfast, while me and the kids get ourselves sorted out and relax. Little Prince got me up at 5.30 this morning, so I feel like I've done a full day already!! But at least it meant I could sort the suitcases and bully everyone into putting their clothes away, once they all got up!! I never feel like I've arrived on holiday until I've unpacked! Unlike Mr Messy who would prefer to live out of the suitcases the whole time we are away!!


Mac said...

Janet, so happy that you made it to our side of the pond! Email me off blog and let me know of a day that you may be hanging around your friends house and maybe we can trekk your way. I'd need to know several days ahead of time, but we'll try!

Anonymous said...

Have a fantastic holiday! Can't believe you are blogging from the other side of the world, now there's dedication for you :)

WL xxx

Janet said...

Hi Mac,
After all that time on planes, we are glad we are here safe too :-) I've (hopefully) sent you an email and we can pick ours up at the normal address while we are here.

Janet said...

Hi WL,
OK I admit it, I'm addicted to blogging lol. Besides I have to keep checking on S&T's blog :-)
Lots of love


25th May 2009 - See New Child again & Court Date

23rd May 2009 - Fly back to Ethiopia

26th March 2009 - Fly to Ethiopia :-)

3rd March 2009 - Dossier Arrived at Orphanage

26th February 2009 - Dossier sent to Ethiopia

22nd December 2008 - Dossier back at DCSF

28th November 2008 - Certificate of Eligibility ISSUED

6th October 2008 - PASSED Approval Panel

7th July 2008 - Homestudy Update Started

28th Feb 2008 - Told LA we wished to change country


Formally withdrew from the China Adoption Programme 17th July 2008

LID (Logged in Date) with CCAA 16th August 2007

Documents to China 10th August 2007

Passed Approval Panel 5th March 2007

Homestudy started 6th June 2006

First Contact with our LA 1st Jan 2006