Wednesday 12 September 2007

Not a Good day!!

Little Prince raised his objections to school again this morning, but I jollied him along and we ended up at school happily enough. However, once we got in the playground and he'd parked his scooter, he came over and wanted picking up for a hug. We were chatting to his teacher and he suddenly just crumpled into tears - big fat tears rolling down his cheeks :-( The teacher said he could help ring the bell and that helped, but only a little - he started crying again as soon as he'd finished ringing. I carried him over to his classroom door, he wouldn't even line up with the other kids. He cried again as I was handing him over to his class teacher, the 'cheer up bribe' this time was to help with the register. Little Prince wanted to make sure that his teachers knew that he was coming home at lunch time (for a hospital appointment) - he made me tell each of his teachers separately!!

At lunch time, me, Little Miss Sensible and The Boyfriend all walked up to school to collect Little Prince. The children hadn't quite finished their playtime, so we tried to look where he was and see what he was playing. We couldn't see him anywhere though and had to go and find the dinner ladies and ask where he was. They teased that I wasn't allowed to come up and spy on Little Prince and should go home :-) I just laughed and told them about his appointment. All of a sudden he appeared from behind a wall, he was still wearing his school sweatshirt, which was a bit odd considering it was so hot!! We took his sweatshirt off and set off home, him on his scooter and us walking as fast as we could to keep up!! Not that we could keep up!!

We only had an hour at home before we had to set off for the hospital appointment, so Little Prince and The Boyfriend played together for a while. Then Little Prince started complaining of a headache and lying down saying he was tired, eventually when this didn't get better I gave him some Calpol. I then took him to sit on the sofa with me, and he started to complain about feeling sick, we got the sickie bowl just in case! It was a good job as within five minutes he threw up everywhere!!! Poor little man :-( Once that was 'out' he seemed to perk up again, so we decided to still take him to his hospital appointment. I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not!! As we were driving there, Little Prince became more and more disorientated and confused seeming and then suddenly just fell fast asleep. I was trying my best not to panic and drive carefully!! Plus we were on the way to the hospital, so if there was something more to his sickieness then we were going to the right place!!

We queued for the car park for ages, it was full and no one seemed to be coming out, so we drove round the hospital and found some on road parking. We woke Little Prince up and I carried him for as long as I could, while we tried to find the right entrance. We got some directions from some very helpful, passing nurses. The trouble is the place they directed us to was shut, we eventually did find the right place and got booked in.

Little Prince was very impressed by the amount of toys in the waiting room, me and the others weren't quite as impressed by the lack of chairs for the adults!! We had only just sat down when Little Prince was called in to be weighed and measured. Then he insisted he was feeling sick again so we spent a few worried minutes hung over the toilets, luckily he wasn't sick again. Then we were called in by the paediatrician for our appointment. Little Prince chose this moment to flop again, and spent most of the consultation lay on the floor groaning!! At one point the doctor did ask me if Little Prince could actually speak!! After taking his medical history (such as we know ie not much!) and examining Little Prince the doctor concluded their was no treatment and it was just a case of Little Prince maturing a bit more and that should solve the problem. We were discharged.

On the journey home Little Prince valiantly fought sleep, aided and abetted by The Boyfriend chatting to him and playing games of I Spy. Once back at home Little Prince once again perked up and has been playing jigsaws and eaten a snack. Hopefully that will stay down and he will be ok now.

UPDATE: By 6pm Little Prince was lying on the lounge floor absolutely exhausted. He didn't argue or protest about going to bed and was asleep almost instantly. I can hear him through the baby alarm and his breathing sounds rather laboured, so perhaps he is coming down with something. Not sure what we will do about school tomorrow, I'll just have to wait and see how he is in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Wonder if the little prince has an allergy to something.. He's got the same symptoms Computer Geek had when he was little and was having an allergic reaction.. First act a bit odd, then throw up and then fall asleep immediately..
Computer Geek's allergy was to flavor enhancers etc that is put in food..
Just wondering.....
Cabbage Queen

Janet said...

Hi Cabbage Queen :-)

We've just dropped Little Prince off at school and checked what he had for lunch, and it wasn't anything he hadn't had before! Although his teacher did say there was something going round school and a couple of other kids had been ill this week. He seemed fine this morning, so hopefully its cleared through his system now!


25th May 2009 - See New Child again & Court Date

23rd May 2009 - Fly back to Ethiopia

26th March 2009 - Fly to Ethiopia :-)

3rd March 2009 - Dossier Arrived at Orphanage

26th February 2009 - Dossier sent to Ethiopia

22nd December 2008 - Dossier back at DCSF

28th November 2008 - Certificate of Eligibility ISSUED

6th October 2008 - PASSED Approval Panel

7th July 2008 - Homestudy Update Started

28th Feb 2008 - Told LA we wished to change country


Formally withdrew from the China Adoption Programme 17th July 2008

LID (Logged in Date) with CCAA 16th August 2007

Documents to China 10th August 2007

Passed Approval Panel 5th March 2007

Homestudy started 6th June 2006

First Contact with our LA 1st Jan 2006