Thursday 3 March 2011

Back after Computer Meltdowns!

Not much blog-able has happened since I last blogged, which is good as I've been having computer troubles and couldn't blog much anyway! My own laptop died a month or so ago, it needs a new drive or something, and Mr Messy hasn't got around to fixing it. Mr Messy let me use his spare laptop, but then the power cable broke (after my last blog). I've had the privilege of using Drama Teen's laptop sometimes while she was out at College so I didn't feel totally cut off from the world, thank you sooooooo much Drama Teen I really appreciate it. The new power supply for Mr Messy's spare laptop arrived in the post this morning and it works, well obviously as I'm using it lol. It feels so good to be reconnected properly lol. I think I'm addicted to the internet!! Scratch that I KNOW I'm addicted to the internet!!

Mrs LMS is determinedly continuing her job search, although I'm sure it must be disheartening for her, she keeps plugging away. She went for one interview and got through numerous stages, only to be told right at the end she doesn't have enough sales experience - a fact that could have been gathered from her CV in the very first step, rather than get her hopes up!! She didn't really want that particular job, but the money was good and would have been a great help in obtaining Mr LMS's Spouse Visa. She has another interview today, and should be arriving here from OUR shop very shortly to get ready for that. That job doesn't start until May, so she still has to carry on trying to find a job in the meantime. Its a tough time to be job hunting, but she is throwing herself into it and trying every avenue she can to find work. If anyone out there knows of someone in our vicinity that is hiring - let us know!!

Its World Book Day today and Little Prince had a choice of dressing as Harry Potter (but with a Slytherin coloured tie rather than a Gryfinndor coloured one!) or as Anakin Skywalker. He tried the Harry Potter but didn't like it and ended up going as Anakin. Mr Messy had an early appointment, so Mrs LMS was getting him ready this morning, and in all the chaos of costume choosing she forgot to give him his medication. Me and Princess Lollipop took it up to school for him later, she was so excited to see Little Prince and devastated to leave without him :-(

Drama Teen's split with her boyfriend seems to be permanent this time and she is hurting so much. She has been over to other friend's houses and had friends over to our house, which seems to cheer her up tremendously. I'm glad she has good friends to rely on who are helping her through this. I still wish I could do something to help, as I hate seeing my baby hurting.

Princess Lollipop had a pretty rough ride with an unspecified infection, and her sleep has been pretty disturbed ever since. She wakes multiple times in the night shouting "Up Mummy" even when she is already being cuddled. She insists that I cuddle her most of the night, and I get so achy lying in one position all night! I really could do with a good full nights sleep!! On the positive side, Princess Lollipop's speech has taken another leap forward, she is making longer and longer sentences and lapping up new words all the time. She comes out with some funny stuff too, although I wasn't too impressed when instead of coming with me so I could get her ready for bed, she stood in the middle of the lounge bellowing "Mummy come bat wite NOW!" It amused the rest of the family though!! Just wait tills he starts bossing them around like that!!!

Mr Messy has been looking for a new contract (to supplement what the photography business brings in) since Christmas and it has now come to the point that we have no more available funds in the contracting business to draw on, and he has been forced to sign on for Jobseekers Allowance. This is really hurting his pride, he has always enjoyed being able to provide a high standard of living for us all, and this is a big blow for him. I am very proud of the way he is handling it, as I know how much he hates having to ask for government handouts. I know he will find a contract soon, and the Allowance will tide us over till that time, although things will be VERY TIGHT! We are cutting back on all non essential expenditure and trying to tighten our belts as much as possible. We are a strong family unit and I have no doubt that we will make it through this tough time together.

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25th May 2009 - See New Child again & Court Date

23rd May 2009 - Fly back to Ethiopia

26th March 2009 - Fly to Ethiopia :-)

3rd March 2009 - Dossier Arrived at Orphanage

26th February 2009 - Dossier sent to Ethiopia

22nd December 2008 - Dossier back at DCSF

28th November 2008 - Certificate of Eligibility ISSUED

6th October 2008 - PASSED Approval Panel

7th July 2008 - Homestudy Update Started

28th Feb 2008 - Told LA we wished to change country


Formally withdrew from the China Adoption Programme 17th July 2008

LID (Logged in Date) with CCAA 16th August 2007

Documents to China 10th August 2007

Passed Approval Panel 5th March 2007

Homestudy started 6th June 2006

First Contact with our LA 1st Jan 2006